House of Ninjas is a Japanese television series created by Dave Boyle for Netflix. It stars Kento Kaku as the protagonist, alongside Yōsuke Eguchi, Tae Kimura, Kengo Kora, Aju Makita, Nobuko Miyamoto, and Riho Yoshioka. It follows a family of ninjas, known as shinobi, as they struggle to connect as a family and return to the shinobi lifestyle. The Tawara family, the last shinobi clan. It had abandoned its roots after an incident in the past, but now the family must take on the greatest crisis in Japanese history, one that threatens to shake the nation to its core.
Movie Info:
Rajesh Sharma
Ankit Gupta
Top Cast
(Cast not available)
Action, Thriller
Release date
(Release date not available)
Countries of origin
Filming locations
(Locations not available)
(Budget not available)
Gross worldwide
(Gross worldwide not available)
IMDb Rating
An exhilarating journey into the heart of darkness with “House of Ninjas,” a pulse-pounding action thriller that will leave you breathless from start to finish. Directed by the visionary Rajesh Sharma and written by the talented Ankit Gupta, this film takes audiences on an adrenaline-fueled ride through the shadowy world of ancient martial arts and deadly secrets.
With its heart-stopping action sequences, jaw-dropping stunts, and edge-of-your-seat suspense, “House of Ninjas” is a cinematic tour de force that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. From its breathtaking fight choreography to its stunning visual effects, every aspect of the film is meticulously crafted to deliver an immersive and unforgettable viewing experience.